Monday, June 16, 2008

Monday in Cuenca

We continue to see hearts turning to Jesus. The teams got an early start today and went out to train their nationals in how to share the gospel and to lead a cell groups. Then each group spent the day evangelizing and discipling. The joy of the Lord is our strength even though we are very tired. The children's ministries were a big hit. Laura's group had 12 kids. John's had 28 and Amy and Marcus had more than 30 in there group. It is fun to see children respond enthusiastically about the truths in the Bible.
Laura was excited because it was her first day and she saw 2 people come to Christ.
Steve said that even though he dropped his evangicube in cow poop he got to share the gospel with a woman who said she only could talk for five minutes and 20 minutes later prayed to receive Christ. God is good.

Pray for us to have strength and energy as we continue. Pray for growth in the new believers. Pray for the nationals to be excited and take up the call to work in their cell groups with more and more believers.

Our hearts are with you in Alabama but here as well with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

In Him


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